【同义词辨析】 2020-06-18 不平rough-scabrous

rough: implies the presence of detectable inequalities on the surface, such as points, bristles, ridges, or projections: a ~ wooden board.

harsh: implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch: the ~ fabric chafed his skin.    harsh常用的意思还有严酷刺耳刺眼严厉苦涩等,都表示使人"unpleasant不舒服"

uneven: implies a lack of regularity in height, breadth, or quality: an old house with ~ floors.

rugged: implies irregularity or roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel: follow the ~ road up the mountain.  

scabrous: implies scaliness or prickliness of surface and may connote an unwholesome, decayed, or diseased appearance: an allergic condition that results in ~ hands.

rough粗糙: 指有明显不平滑,如点刺脊凸,harsh粗糙: 指触碰起来不舒服,uneven不平:  指高度宽度等不规整,rugged坑洼不平: 指地面不平行走困难,scabrous多痂棘手下流: 指表面有不健康鳞刺

记忆方法: 1)首字母RHURS排列成HURRShurricanes飓风的缩写<==不平

         2)不平的意思是不光滑平坦mean not smooth or even.          regular规则的,表示符合规则标准模式stresses conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern,如the regular monthly meeting of the organization组织每月